Insight UBC
This is a web application with a query engine for data of 60,000 courses and rooms at UBC.
TypeScript | Node.js | Express | Mocha | Chai
Software Engineeiring | NLP Research in Healthcare
This is a web application with a query engine for data of 60,000 courses and rooms at UBC.
TypeScript | Node.js | Express | Mocha | Chai
The virtual bookshelf application provides the user with an experience similar to using a traditional bookshelf.
Java | JUnit | Java AWT | Java Swing
This is a web application to perform customized and complex operations on the database of audio streaming platform.
As a team of three, we collaboratively designed and implemented a robust relational database in SQL.
SQL | MySQL | TypeScript
This is a web application that gathers information on waiting times at different dining halls and provides users with the fastest way to get food.
Submitted to MHacks 14
JavaScript | HTML/CSS | jQuery | Bootstrap | Firebase | Google maps
This is my renewed personal website. Based on a template from HTML5 UP.
HTML | CSS | JavaScript
This is a Discord bot that allows the user to have simple conversations with the bot on a Discord channel
Submitted to Hackapalooza 2021
JavaScript | Node.js | Discord.js
Performed text classifications on Twitter posts to identify Tweets about disaster with both spaCy and Tensorflow
Submitted to Kaggle Competitions
Python | spaCy | TensorFlow